Wood County, Wisconsin

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Election Results - Precinct Detail

Total Ballots Cast

Total Ballots Cast in this Precinct: 0

Outstanding Ballots

The following ballot counts are outstanding in this precinct for this election.

Provisional Ballots Outstanding: 0

Results for Spring Election, Tuesday, April 6, 2021.

Results are unofficial until the canvass is complete on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.

To get results for write-in candidates, contact your local municipal clerk.

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Showing results only for the precinct: T/Grand Rapids Wards 1-11

State Superintendent (Vote for ONE)
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Jill Underly 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 806
Deborah Kerr 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 753
Circuit Crt Judge Branch 3 (Vote for ONE)
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Todd P. Wolf 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 1295
Town Bd Chairperson Grand Rapids (Vote for ONE)
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Arne Nystrom 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 1255
Town Bd Supervisor Grand Rapids (Vote for not more than TWO)
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
Jeremy Eichhorn 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 821
Andrew Simon 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 704
Patty Lumby 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 952
School Bd Member Wisc. Rapids SD (Vote for not more than THREE)
CandidateLast UpdateVotes
John Benbow, Jr. 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 1071
Katie Bielski-Medina 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 1053
Larry Davis 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 1015
Wood County - Clean Water
Should the State of Wisconsin establish a right to clean water to protect human health, the environment, and the diverse cultural and natural heritage of Wisconsin?
ChoiceLast UpdateVotes
Yes 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 1236
No 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 333
Exceed Revenue Wisc. Rapids SD Ref
Shall the School District of Wisconsin Rapids, Wood and Portage Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $2,000,000 per year for five years, beginning with the 2021-2022 school year and ending with the 2025-2026 school year, for non-recurring purposes consisting of technology and curriculum updates?
ChoiceLast UpdateVotes
Yes 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 954
No 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 664
Borrow $34 Million Wisc. Rapids SD Ref
Shall the School District of Wisconsin Rapids, Wood and Portage Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $34,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a district-wide school building and facility improvement project consisting of: construction of secure entrances at all schools; renovations to science classrooms, labs and other areas and construction of an addition for a new Library/Student Resource Center and main office at Lincoln High School; construction of an addition for a new gymnasium and renovations at Rudolph Elementary School (THINK Academy); capital maintenance and building infrastructure improvements; and acquisition of furnishings fixtures and equipment?
ChoiceLast UpdateVotes
Yes 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 940
No 4/6/2021 9:53:00 PM 666